Research in Materials Science is evolving to provide
novel materials which can be better alternatives for non-renewable sources. The
relation between structure, property and action of a material for a specific
application must be studied at the macro, micro and nano level.
The challenge and competition to manipulate the
properties of a material and design them for a specific application is the
reason for the immense research in Materials Science and Engineering. Due to
this immense research new materials have emerged, and the emerging technologies
have found their applications in several fields like:
- · Agricultural Robot in the field of Agriculture
- · Micro Air Vehicle in the field of Aerospace
- · Claytronics & 4D printing in the Construction Field
- · Domed City in the field of Architecture (currently in progress at Dubai)
- · Flexible Electronics, Spintronics, E-Textiles in the field of Electronics
- · Smart Grid and Lithium Ion Battery in the Energy Field
- · Head Transplant and Brain-Compute Interface in the field of Neuroscience
- · IOT, Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing in the IT Field
- · Space Elevator, Flexible wings, flying car etc. in the field of automobiles and aviation
- · Cloaking device, Laser weapon etc. in the Military Defence Field
- · Body Implants, Nano medicines, Tissue Engineering in the Health and Medicine field
The search for novel materials with creative technologies for different applications just doesn’t stop there. It’s been a continuous competitive research work in different labs and institutes worldwide. For all we know someone might be struggling with their work or someone might be working on already existing technology or material completely unaware of it.
What do you think would be the better way to combat these small nuisances coming in the way of research? Gathering up at a conference, sharing your ideas on your research and gaining some new insights or solutions from experienced researchers might be one small step to overcome the repetition in the research or attain simple solutions to an existing problem.
Hence let’s meet up at Smart Materials Meet 2018 on April 19th -20th 2018 at Dubai, UAE to globalize our research and gain insights in the field of Emerging Materials and Technologies
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