Friday, 29 December 2017

Smart Materials for Tissue Engineering

Over the years, research in field of tissue engineering has progressed tremendously. The branch emerged from combination of biology and engineering has its goals set on heath welfare by reconstituting or aiding the regeneration of impaired or infected cell, tissue or organs through the support of biomaterials, bioactive molecules or devices.

Recently new materials called the smart materials have emerged for tissue engineering and biomedical engineering applications. The discovery of these materials has enabled researchers to assemble, characterize and apply materials methodically to regulate the behavior of a cell in tissue formation.


The synthesis and characterization of smart materials, the Fundamental Principles in their application, the different applications of smart materials in tissues engineering are some sub tracks covered at “5th World Congress on Smart & Emerging Materials”.

The Smart Materials Meet 2018 conference provides a podium for biochemists, materials scientists and biomedical engineers working in industry and academia to discuss their researches ideas and gain critical insights in the field.

If interested to cite your thoughts on employment of smart materials for tissue and biomedical engineering applications join us at our upcoming annual congress.

Hope to see you there...

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